Interested in LM2500 or LM6000 gas turbine technology? Get a FREE airflow poster!

Interested in LM2500 or LM6000 gas turbine technology? Get a FREE airflow poster!

Interested in LM2500 or LM6000 gas turbine technology? Get a FREE airflow poster!

Welcome to AutoTune Savings Calculator

Are you new to AutoTune DLE? You can learn more about AutoTune DLE for LM engines here. Calculate easily in 3 steps your annual CO2 and your gas savings.

Your engine (1 of 3)

Choose your engine.
We support LM2500DLE and LM6000 DLE engines.
AutoTune optimizes performance across various loads throughout the year, eliminating the need for constant remapping with changing operations.

Select the average MW output & operating hours.
Select the average MW output during part-load operation and estimate the annual operating hours in part-load mode.


LM2500 +


Average MW on Part load
Annual Operating Hours in part load

Choose your operating climate (2 of 3)

Climate change impacts the operating efficiencies of your LM engine. Temperature and humidity variations can pose challenges, often requiring frequent engine mapping to maintain optimal operations. With AutoTune DLE, the mapping process becomes automatic, promising increased savings, especially in regions with more significant climate fluctuations.
Select your operating climate.
Select one of four climate options that closely represents your operating environment.

Final questions (3 of 3)

We need the last four critical parameters to finalize the financial calculations.
Lower Heating Value
Fill in thermal energy Lower Heating Value (LHV) in BTU per pound.
Fill in the gravity factor.
CO2 rate per ton
Fill in the CO2 rate per ton
Gas price per cubic meter
Fill in the Gas price per cubic meter (m3)

Your savings with AutoTune DLE is $0 per engine per year!

Consisting of:
Gas Savings
-/-$0 per engine per year

CO2 Savings
-/-0t CO2
-/-$0 per engine per year

Your ROI

Contact us for the ROI calculations to see how soon you can earn back this investment while reducing emissions.

Schedule a meeting with a specialist

Prepared to turn estimated savings into measurable outcomes? Click Schedule a meeting with a specialist now to implement AutoTune DLE and witness firsthand the financial benefits and environmental impact it brings to your turbine operations. Contact our AutoTune expert: Sofian Jaoudi