Every gas turbine control system in operation needs scheduled and unscheduled inspections. In case of an unexpected stop the root cause of this stop needs to be determined and the malfunctioning parts need to be repaired or replaced. An aligned combination of in-house general maintenance capabilities and external Speedtronic & Woodward expertise can solve control system issues in a quick and effective way. A very effective way to solve C&I issues is to apply RAPID immediate technical troubleshooting and problem solving.VBR provides inspection, repair & replacement of malfunctioning Speedtronic & Woodward parts. Our field service engineers always bring a set of replacement parts to site in order to reduce the total downtime of an engine.
RAPID: a powerful solution for immediate C&I problems
RAPID is a powerful solution for immediate solving of the majority of C&I related GT problems. With this cybersecure troubleshooting solution we can immediately solve up to 75% of your controls & instrumentation issues. More specific C&I issues however will also require some kind of physical intervention in the sensors, cabling or control system of the gas turbine to solve the problem. When an operator does not have these specific capabilities on site specialized external VBR C&I experts can provide support to on-site maintenance engineers to solve these issues.
Controls and instrumentation issues?
VBR provides cost-effective solutions.