Reduce human error in gas turbine operation & maintenance by predictive operation & maintenance support and by dedicated education & training. Consultancy, education & training and help desk solutions will significantly reduce the costs of lost production caused by human error.

Preventable lost production
Human error is a major factor in preventable lost production in the global process industry:
- Approximately 58% is primarily caused by technical error;
- Approximately 42% is primarily caused by human error.
(source: ARC Advisory Group)
Operators and engineers
The tendency to assign operators that are more generalist and thus less specialized brings along the undesired side effect of increased human error in gas turbine operation & maintenance decision making. Therefore VBR focuses on reducing the human error factor in operation & maintenance by providing:
- Intelligent operation & maintenance decision support to gas turbine operators;
- Education and training to operators & maintenance engineers on their engines, control systems & packages;
- Help desk functionality powered by highly skilled engineers who have access to all key parameters of the gas turbine.
Human factor
As previously mentioned approximately 42% of preventable lost production in the global process industry is primarily the result of human error. The global availability and profitability of a gas turbine depends considerably on the knowledge and skills of its operators & maintenance engineers. VBR supports on-site operators, engineers & mechanics with education & training aimed at fine-tuning gas turbines for a higher efficiency and at preventing and solving technical problems.
Reduce human error effectively?
VBR provides cost-effective solutions.