VBR Turbine Partners provides periodic and borescope inspections of your engine and repair or replacement of malfunctioning parts in the engine, the control system or the auxiliary systems. Effective inspection & repair will reduce the total down time of an engine after a scheduled or unscheduled stop.When problems occur nothing beats our LM gas turbine repair services. With these services VBR Turbine Partners provides inspection of suspect components and repair or replacement of malfunctioning parts. VBR takes care of the entire maintenance of General Electric LM2500+, LM6000, LM1600, TM2500+ & PGT25+ aeroderivative gas turbines and their control systems, auxiliary systems and packages.

Enable optimal performance
Our focus is to solve your technical problems effectively to keep your gas turbine running (or to get it up and running again at the shortest possible notice) at an optimal performance.
- VBR field service engineers are highly skilled and bring along all expertise from VBR as a specialized and dedicated GE LM competence center.
- Our field service engineers always bring a set of well-chosen replacement parts to site in order to reduce the chance of an engine stop or to reduce unnecessarily prolongation of the downtime.
- The extensive stock of LM spare parts avoids order delays and our specialized expertise ensures that we can deduce with fairly great certainty which replacement parts may be required.
- When our engineers are allowed and able to log in remotely on the interface of the gas turbine (as part of our RAPID remote operation & maintenance support system), the set of replacement parts can be compiled tailormade and the necessary inspections can be prepared with more focus in order to reduce total down time.
Scheduled and unscheduled
We provide periodic, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, repairs, replacements, hot section exchanges and full overhauls of your gas turbine engine and its control system & auxiliary systems. Planning and execution can be defined and scheduled in a maintenance agreement.
Mechanical issues with your gas turbine?
VBR provides cost-effective solutions.